What are the technical requirements to take online courses?
To take online courses, you need consistent access to a computer with high-speed internet access, a video camera and a microphone. Chromebooks should not be used to take online classes.
What is “identity verification?”
Every online student must prove that he or she is the person registered for the class. The product used to verify identity is called Proctortrack. Failure to verify identity will result in being locked out of Canvas at the end of the first week of classes.
How do I verify identity?
In Canvas, you will be registered in a course called “Online Course Identity.” Click on the block, and you will begin the process. You must read each page before the next page will open. To complete the actual verification, you will need a current photo ID with your name on it and you will provide a biometric knuckle scan.
Can others do my work for me?
Only registered students may complete online course work. Providing your username and password to a third party (family members, services, etc) is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Students may receive failing grades and/or disciplinary action (including expulsion) for online cheating.
How will anyone know if I am cheating?
The Learning Resources Department believes online integrity is very important, and tracks, daily, all traffic moving in and out of Canvas. Suspicious cases are immediately identified and reported.
What is the estimated time requirement for an online course?
Online courses require as much time investment as traditional courses. In a regular semester, you should expect to spend at least 3 hours per week doing course work in addition to several hours of study time per week. Winter and Summer sessions have more intense requirements since the class times are shorter.
Is group work required?
Each instructor has developed materials, assignments, and activities to help you learn the concepts of your course. This may include group work, discussions, and projects.
What if my computer crashes while submitting an assignment?
Each instructor has his or her own policies for late work. Some may not accept a computer crash as an excuse. Please check the syllabus for policies in each class you have online.
Can I take online courses on my phone / tablet?
Yes and No. You can do much work on your tablet and phone, but you cannot take a proctored exam on a phone or tablet. Chromebooks should not be used to take online classes.
Where can I get help?
Need Assistance?
Canvas: Click HELP on the left side menu in Canvas or call 1-844-334-5841.
Proctortrack: Click CHAT within the Proctortrack software in Canvas or call 1-844-753-2020.
Instructor Assistance: For instructor assistance, contact your instructor through your Canvas or Microsoft 365 email accounts.
Free Tutoring: For online tutor support, click on the ThinkingStorm tab on the left side menu in your Canvas course. If you need tutoring not offered by ThinkingStorm, you may contact the ALC at alc@391774.com.
FERPA/ADA: If you have concerns about privacy or ADA, please contact the Director of Instructional Design at ucconline@391774.com.
Learning Resources Contact Information: P: 908-497-4364, E: ucconline@391774.com
What is the online student complaint process?
Online Student Complaint Process
Students should direct a complaint to UCNJ for investigation and resolution. If the complaint remains unresolved after all institutional procedures have been exhausted, complaints may be directed to the SARA State Portal Entity within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made. Complaints regarding grade appeals or conduct are subject to UCNJ procedures and will not be addressed by the State Portal Entity.
SARA State Portal Entity:
Attn: Director, Office of Licensure
New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education
20 W. State Street, 4th Floor
P.O. Box 542 Trenton, NJ 08625
Eric.taylor@oshe.nj.govFor more information visit: http://www.state.nj.us/highereducation/SARA.shtml and http://www.state.nj.us/highereducation/OSHEComplaintInstructions.shtml
* What is the Cost to students
The cost to students will be $140 for a whole year.
* How will students Register with Cengage
You will access Cengage Unlimited through your Canvas courses at the start of the Fall 2019 term. Once the fall term begins, you will:
STEP 1: Go to Your Canvas Course
STEP 2: Click the Cengage Link
STEP 3: Sign In or Sign Up with Cengage
STEP 4: You’re All Set! You now have full access to Cengage Unlimited.
* After initial registration, will students have a single sign in to Canvas which will allow them to go into Cengage?
Yes, students will be able to get to their Cengage materials through their Canvas course during the duration of the semester.
*How will students get Cengage support ?
Cengage Unlimited Student Support The Cengage Unlimited student support team delivers answers and advice via 24/7 live phone and chat support.
Email Cengage anytime at: cuiescalations@cengage.com
Call Cengage anytime at: 1-800-354-9706
*How can students Opt Out?
Students who are not enrolled in any courses that have a Cengage assigned textbook can possibly opt out of paying the $130 per year. Contact the Bursar and they will remove the fee if it is appropriate to do so.
*Where will I be doing work? On Canvas’s website or Cengage website?
You will access all your course materials through your Canvas account; however, you will be doing work in both Canvas and Cengage. Cengage offers your textbook, learning tools such as WebAssign, MindTap and more.
*Where will my Grades be posted?
Your course activity grades will be posted in your Canvas course.
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